We always live a little salt in our raids... But can he be more salte than the salt queen?
Any final comments, thoughts, concerns, or bad puns?: Looking forward to meeting more members of XOO Be careful what you wish for *Evil Cackle*
Any final comments, thoughts, concerns, or bad puns?: Spread for pound. That is all... *shudders* /Moan
Well guess I'll just have to pocket heal someone else cryyyyy
Exemplary (WoW) member of 2015 (list up to 8) Confed, DoctÕre, Kag Favorite (WoW) leader of 2015 (list only 4) Confed, Kuulinn Best new (WoW)...
I second this app as he plays RP with us
**Updated ilvl 699 + 12/13 N.. lead the pug to success
My battle tag is Tiana#1751 if you would like to contact me
What is your in game name?: Cäileigh How old are you?: 28 Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a working microphone?: Yes Can you make raid nights on...