I was in a different guild back then but played since Alpha and persisted for ages. I would be interested to jump onboard, Australia time zone though.
I would be interested too. Ill look at getting the game this week.
This looks awesome https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=217&v=cnS1k7N6Ak4
This I didn't realise..... From 10 from the producers a week ago. Is very cool though. RadiantFlux Asks: Will we be able to retract the wings...
I definitely like the idea of that.... may also have to look up that Anime. I haven't seen much regarding piracy but from what I have read about...
Correct. Basically you take the old capacity of the ship and divide by 4.
Now this is starting to look pretty good. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/engineering/14677-Design-Cargo-Interaction
If space trucking is your thing...... https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/14661-A-Hull-For-Every-Job-The-MISC-Hull-Series
Looks tempting but having the Vanguard I think I should stick with the SH
I went for the SH since I have a retaliator and vanguard.... I think that's enough bombs ha ha
https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/14652-Star-Citizen-Alpha-111-Released Now to try to decide, ultimately between the...
Very cool
Nice and one thing I need to keep reminding myself, these ships are available in game.
Sorted out my ship melting so I didn't have to buy another pledge package and scored myself a Vanguard.
I'm considering melting my Redeemer but it's my pledge pack and would have to buy a cheap pledge pack ship too. Decisions.... Decision
Glad to be aboard.
How old are you?: 34 RSI Forum Name?: Delrakin Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic?*: Yes Why did you choose XoO & where did you hear about us?:...
Agreed about the zero G game mode looking a bit ordinary plus the floating body position didn't look too great. Won't judge it till it's playable...
Bring on the Multicrew ships mid year.......
It means an instant unlock in live. Though the leveling still needs to be done for them. If you unlocked them the 'normal' way, you would have...