Are we talking simple as in red eye and cropping and that's it? Elements is pretty simple and basic. I like Adobe LightRoom but it's a ways away...
Samsung are fantastic monitors for gaming if you want something <=22" for monitors 22" and larger go with the 24" gateway or Dell(same specs and...
There are only 6 unique keys for 8 million or so downloads so yes your 32-bit key will work on your 64-bit download
That's what she said :) DAMN!! wrong crowd
For FPS gaming 5.1 makes a big difference
Not 5.1, and yes it makes a difference
Strictly for gaming? No. the difference is the home edition has that input box that allows you to connect multiple source devices.
there are different versions, the link I sent was the US version, no splitter needed. they used to use a clunky sound box as well which is no...
I know about 8 people that use these and have for about 4 years, the sound...
Good deal. Antec makes some great cases and with 120mm fans they are super quiet. Money on a good case is never wasted.
You could probably get a substantial perfomance boost from simply reinstalling your OS and games/apps if it's been 20 months that's a long time....
I imagine you put vista on first, which allows it to manage the bootloader. Once you formated that drive you deleted the bootloader information...
Gotta go with Merc on this one(Damnit) for the purposes of gaming don't skimp on the monitor, you'll find you get a lot of ghosting and slower...
I missed the laptop bit, :-( Because it's a laptop you can't just replace the vid card, it's soldered onto the board, Pay the $59 and have Dell...
Any chance you have an old video card around, or that your computer has an onboard card? If you're able to remove the current card and either boot...
Why bluetooth? you would need to find a BT adapter for your PC(unless you're using a laptop) with the audio gateway. If you're just looking for...
So much for getting anything done, God I love these games. Anyone ever play the crayon game? there is a demo on fileplanet,...