Hey guys! Long time no talk. I have been crazy busy. I just started my MBA and were trying to have another baby. I am going to try and make time...
Are you over 18: Yes Do you have TeamSpeak 3 and a working microphone: Yes What is the link to your steam profile:...
How old are you?: 37 In-Game Name: Banner Do you have TS3 and a working mic?: Yes Where did you hear about us?: Syx (friend in the guild) Previous...
Ok, Syx told me that might be a problem. I just started last week and I made it to lvl 42. I just got back from my once a year conference so I am...
How old are you?: 38 In-Game Name: Banner Do you have TS3 and a working mic?: Yes Where did you hear about us?: I am RL friends with Syx, Moxx and...