Are you over 18?: Yes Do you have TeamSpeak 3 and a working microphone?: Yes What previous gaming experience do you have?: alot What is your time...
Apply to game group, and hop on TS for you interview :)
Apply to game group and jump into ts for interview
Apply for game group
He is asking for a League specific channel and maybe a league specific forums
no to eve.
sent ts info apply to game group as well. jump in ts for interview
Sent ts info, apply to game group. jumo into ts for interview
How old are you: 24 In-Game Name: Curator for beta will cahnge back to bigredmonkey for game as per usual Do you have TS3 and a working mic: Yes...
Kid looks like a traitor, should prolly keep our eye on him :P
What is your in game name?: Gyzenerus How old are you?: 24 Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a working microphone?: Yes Can you make raid nights on...
How old are you?: 24 RSI Forum Name?: Bigredmonkey Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic?*: Yes Why did you choose XoO & where did you hear about us?:...
How old are you?: 23 In-Game Name: Bigredmonkey Do you have TS3 and a working mic?: Yes Where did you hear about us?: Seen you around in game...