Was a XoO clan ever made? If so could I get leader to start leveling it up and putting clan rep on it?
Hi all, Would anyone be interested in Lineage 2 Classic? https://eu.4game.com/lineage2classic/play/ It's an official server of Lineage 2 that...
@RunningRiot convinced me to give it a try too. I'll want an invite as well
++Vouch played with this guy for a few years
++Vouch He's been playing with us for a few years
++ Vouch
+1. Would vouch for :D
Ooops, I double posted somehow ><
How old are you?: 21 In-Game Name: Gabe Do you have TS3 and a working mic?: Yes Where did you hear about us?: IIRC, was in HoV with Kyoji and knew...