It's true pop is low High end corps in a good alliances often lack targets. However, there are more targets for the underdogs, bit of XoO Zen I...
For those who don't know me, most I'm guessing, I got my start with XoO during the RFO beta and was last involved with PoTBS. I check back...
Well I took a quote yesterday of 6x face value, I kinda wanted 8 or better and was willing to settle at 7... 6 seems too low, but the price of...
Does anyone know much about selling coins? I have face value about $170 of circulated pre 1964 quarters and dimes (90% silver) that I want to...
Strippers and Drunks... match made in heaven or hell? my mind
I heard some sports promoters on the radio this morning estimating that he could make 40-50m in endorsement deals over the next year... What...
How does one "Keep the pimp hand strong"?
Need to upgrade and I'm looking for quality on a budget. By budget, I mean it doesn't have to launch space shuttles... simple is good. I just...