!/5428010917264318433 forgot to link profile, here it is :)
How old are you?: 19 Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a microphone: Yes Do you understand that Teamspeak usage is required at ALL times?: Yes What is...
Casual, i'm in music and my geek friends (who are all studying programming) always called me casual so the nickname stayed
Il add you soon enough, and welcome mate
yeah im coming, my shiny delphox is lvl 43 and almost got my liechi berry
well if you got them in past version yes, but i got unlimited supply of those items (almost) I counted like, 23 leftovers, 15 of each choice, 13...
dont bother doing battle maison, just do extra eggs of those 5 IV and we can do some trading
after the 27, il have an infinite supply of those items
what items lol Name the item and the pokemon u could give for it
yeah, just takes patience, i counted 35 full box of chespin
hahaha, np :) My secret is my japonese ditto, and over 1200 eggs hatched
Froakie, Chesnaught, Fennekin, and aegislash, those are the breeds ones They are not perfect IV, but pretty good
I have shiny Greninja with protean, shiny Chesnaught, shiny dragalge, shiny horsea, shiny aegislash and shiny fennekin. All lvl 100 except...
Hi guys, im happy to see there is some poke fan here in XoO My friend code is 1392-5212-9326 If you want to find a good adversary/introduction...
Planetside 2 ApplicationHow old are you? 18 Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a microphone? Yes Do you understand that Teamspeak usage is required at...