Okay, as a final question... can i get some clarification about the HDD? Really, what i want there is reliability, i have two SSDs for all the...
back in college, we used to joke that out on the prairies , they probably transferred files via smoke signal :P
will give that a thought when i actually order the stuff, newegg USA is somewhat finnicky in what it will, and wont, ship to canada, so ill...
As i mentioned earlier, im somewhat outdated in what i know, last time i really looked hard at hardware, liquid cooling was something for utterly...
fixed the SSDs, you saw nothing *jediwave* :P
okay, how this look? (i did the math, and the power draw is just alittle under 500w, so ill stick with the 750 one from earlier) Case:...
I see! I have a additional question... and im not sure if this is a valid concern, or if im outdated.... but what are the odds that a water cooler...
...So couple questions; Is a rosewill PSU really that reliable? I cant say ive ever heard their name mentioned in connection to internal hardware...
Wow, nice input, thanks guys! *goes forth*
Hello all! Let me begin by saying that I've built PCs before... but not recently, since i built my dream rig when i graduated highschool i...
Holy crap! I had one of those when I was younger.... now I feel old.
I have a rat 7, not the new one, but the original, and I rather like the thing, switched to it from the naga, I'll probably buy that new one later...
huh, must be a trend. http://www.oxm.co.uk/34002/blog/dark-souls-is-bigger-than-skyrim/
O.o its been a long time since i thought about that anime.
lol, they just want a excuse to talk about Skyrim. the games are nothing alike, that said, im actually waiting for Dark Souls with more excitement...
i would also like a key if there are any extras
Ew bleach :P
just thought id point out, that model for shepard is actually based on a porn star. shows you were their mind is.
i was really looking forward to this, but from what ive seen from the reviews, the game is horribad
>.< this is how khornites are born i think