How old are you?: 24 In-Game Name: Tommit Do you have TS3 and a working mic?: Yes Previous Gaming Experience: World of Warcraft, Starwars...
after watching some videos the PVP seems very chaotic and not really strategy based, can anyone confirm or deny this with perhaps a video that...
We should do some sort of contest with a deluxe preorder being the winning prize lol
That's really good information. Thanks Dref!
Go go Wildstar!!
I'd love a key, and Ill join up with you guys. I've played the past 2 weekends.
Yeah, coolers aren't too bad on price though.
if it fails it fails, I got it a very good value of Free from a friend so, if it blows up it does Bought this whole PC for $1300
Bought computer already build, thanks for all the recommendations! i7 4770k Asus Gryphon Z87 mobo Corsair 16gb 2133mhz Evga GTX780 SC + Back...
play on one, other stuff on the other same time
I use two of these...
Thanks for the input, I'm going to look into this, when I'm done Ill post what I did. please keep the suggestions coming as well.
What is your input on the i7 4770k instead?
Whats up guys looking at building a bomb ass gaming PC, budget is 1600-1800. I want intel > AMD if you're a pro, send me what you think...
Yeah man, I understand where you're coming from, I think you should talk to Ith personally via PM.
Probably way out of line here, but man, looking at your app, one word answers, didn't put any time, doesn't even seem like you're really...
I've been hearing NOTHING but good things from this. Really excited to try it out.
They block photobucket at work, I'm just so upset that I can't view this.
I don't know about this game... Honestly Archage looks much more fun, this game is just graphically beautiful. I mean either way, I will try...
I've owned turtlebeaches and astros, pros on the g930 is that they are wireless, hold awesome battery life, are way comfy compared, and have many...