Thanks VakarisJ! Kyoji - Hey bud, I'll respond to you in PM.
Love my G710+ so much. I've been waiting forever for Logitech to release a Mechanical keyboard because I'm a huge Logitech fanboy. My Corsair...
Anyone know of a site that lays out exactly when you get skill points? It made sense that it would be every other level since there's 23, 50...
New Developer. I'll give it a look see.
I got the *gulp* $149 Archeum pack. Yes. I'm that desperate to play RIGHT NOW.
Purchased! I've been DYING for this one!
The sure do seem to be doing alot with Clans finally though: DOCf7fY7RGI
I've used Microsoft Security Essentials exclusively for quite some time now without issue.
THIS!!!! I just do not understand why more manufacturer's don't have tilt wheels.
After reading over my messages I realize I kind of sound like a fanboy. :) I'm trying to remain unbiased but the truth of the matter is that I...
Zero so far. I did have Tracking issues on slight occasions with my Naga but nothing to drastic. It's been a pretty short time with the G600 in...
I've been using the G600 for about a month now (Best Buy snuck it out even before the preorders got theirs!) and absolutely loved it. I've always...
Same thing happened to me Energy. Just select the server XoO is on now and then you'll see your toons pop up (That's how it worked for me).
I can vouch for that. I was able to log into my old account without issue.
Anyone with a spare key hook a brotha up! :)
Wow. thanks for the unbiased review Sokar!
Sooooo tempted... But with SWTOR on the horizon dunno if I want to justify the expense. The beta was pretty rough for me. Lots of one shots...
Yea, the profit margin was so thin to begin with I bet the manufacturer's not in Tailand will still jack up the prices a bit to get a larger...
Hrmmmm Do you mean all new SF-2xxx based SSDs? I was under the impression that the Vertex 2 aka SF-1200 controller didn't suffer from these...