Same, me and my friends had a blast as kids playing LAN. Preordered it right away with them for some funtiems.
McDonalds fries dipped in thier parfait, my guilty pleasure. Also peanut butter and roast beef sandwiches.
Looks like Allods Online...
Tried PSO2, got bored of it after two days. There's a way to play the japanese beta of it, which is what I did.
Its a fun game, definitely worth taking a look at. I've been hooked since I started haha
What's a good class to start with? I made a slayer and a warrior on the PvE server but I'm not sure which I should stick with...
I recently downloaded Tera to see what it was like, what server do you guys play on?
Planetside 2 ApplicationHow old are you? 24 Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a microphone? Yes Are you currently in the Planetside 2 beta? Yes...