This should be interesting. I'll be on a bit later than most of you later today, but I'll get on asap.
I'll be there for sure. Let's get a good turn out this time! WOO-HOO!
WildStar ApplicationHow old are you? 29 Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a working microphone? Yes Typically, can you commit to events that run from...
Fail link is fail.
I wants a cool outline with a cool moving gif too...
Looks kinda cool. Like Aion....with dragons.
hahahaha, epic.
On second thought, if someone could just take my current avatar and put the XoO frame around it without making it not animated, that would be all...
Wish I knew more people that lived near me that played with real cards... :(
You mean the one on Steam or the "free" one with crappy graphics?
I've never really been too good with avatars and whatnot, and I like the look of the XoO ones some people have. If someone could make me...
Sounds cool, wish I could help with that. All I know is basic html XD.
Guild Wars 2 ApplicationHow old are you? 28 In-Game Name? Tiesel Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic? Yes What is your prefered playstyle? Both...