Thanks for the application man, I had a nice talk with TheGremlin today, and he recommends you. I'll be sending you a Private Message via these...
Accepted and on probation
Thanks for the application Gremlin, I'll be sending you a Private Message tonight, and hopefully we can coordinate for an interview on TS...
Accepted and on Probation
We usually like to see a bit more content in the application, but since it appears that English may not be your first language, I don't know if...
Thanks for putting in a fine effort. I'll be sending you a PM through these forums for good day/time to have an interview. Cheers!
post cava, thanks for the application, I'll be sending you a PM on these forums soon. Please check your PMs on these forums and/or the email...
leimery, thanks for the application however we usually avoid those apps that appear to have been hastily put together with a majority of one-line...
Accepted and on probation. (Forgot to move this the other day)
Pannama, I have yet to hear back from you since I sent the PM. Please let me know if you are still interested.
Accepted and on 30 day probation.
Thanks for the response. Be on the look out for a private message on these forums, and/or the email linked to your profile.
I need you to elaborate a bit more on your application. Its hard for us to guage your interest with one-line answers. Specifically, what parts...
Ill be sending you a private message to arrange for an interview. Please make sure you have read over our Code of Conduct and requirement to only...
Hello Dalor, thank you for your application. Just so you you know, we are primarily a WvW guild with a strong following in both sPvP and many...
Accepted and on Probation pending the following requirements: Yawn successfully transfers to the Isle of Janthir server, and Represents only XoO...
Thanks for the application and for elaborating on the app. I'll be sending you a PM on the these forums, which should be echoed to the email that...
Hi Union, thank you for the application. I will send you a PM on these forums to arrange a time for an interview in Teamspeak. Please be on the...
Accepted and on probation. He seems like a very cool guy; welcome him into the fold.
Thank you for the application, although I am away from home for work this week, I will try to schedule an interview with you with my laptop...