He just needs a hug.
Just saw this thread and wanted to add, not only will DFO not succeed, it will be one of the most epics failures in MMO history. On the level of...
Easily the worst beta I have ever played. If this game has 25k active subs at the 6 month mark I will be blown away. The only reason that people...
Their main dev, Tasos or whatever, has promised an open beta. If the game does indeed launch on the 22, that would mean the OB would have to start...
Iv been playing WAR, although its getting boring, and Left 4 Dead. I will be playing Darkfall Online with the goons, probably the end of the month...
There are religions that permit gay marriage. Remember, when we say religion, that is more than just the big three.
Gratz guys.
While i'm excited that Obama won, i'm pissed that Florida passed prop 2. It looks like while racism is on its way to defeat, the bigotry towards...
Should I wear my XoO t-shirt, or would that be too nerdy?
It doesn't take a crystal ball to see this coming.
Is it hard living in the same state as Deathcloud and knowing you are nowhere near as cool/good looking/intelligent as him?
How about a little fun with Gruune. Maybe a dude yelling at a computer with a patriots hat on, and a bowl of chowder on his desk.
With regards to Vist 64 being rubbish, this is completely untrue. I run Vista 64, with 4gb, and a superclocked evga 8800 gt, and I run everything...
You are 100% correct. Personally, I could care less about the drilling thing. To me, he decision to support the FISA bill is more, frustrating....
McCain has flipped on offshore drilling as well.
I think you are reading way too much into this and seeing things that aren't there. What I think Obama is talking about is free trade between...
You have to take things in perspective. Is the left more towards socialism than the right, yes, absolutely. But for American politics thats like...
I wonder at this point what doesn't cause cancer.
Yeah so I went and read his berlin speech transcript. The only part I could find that he talks about wealth is thus: In this statement he is...
Gruune said he wouldn't vote for a america hating, socialist, idiot. I was telling him im not sure who he is talking about because the two main...