I'm trying to get started on Blender myself, having used Maya for a bit. I'm into to much stuff though is my problem, with web design being my...
Do your research and find out what school has the best program. Also, make sure you and your wife talk everything over if the best school for you...
Game time availability for me this weekend. I have Friday-Sunday off. However, note that I am stationed in England and thus am in the GMT...
I'd love to try the game out.
If I buy this game, your review here will be a HUGE reason why!
We may have to wait, but Blizzard puts out pretty solid products as a result.
RL friends with Vangelis since 1987. Just FYI if that helps.
Star Wars:TOR ApplicationHow old are you? 38 In-Game Name? Garix Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic? Yes What is your primary class? (Sith...