I reposted one last night, but I cant seem to find it anywhere, did it go in??
PETA is gonna be pissed lol
AHHH METAL GEAR.....no but really. Metal gear and Darksiders 2 <3 cant wait, and the last of us looks great. I may actually need to pick up a PS3 now
Lol thank you, was no big deal seeing as google fixed this issue once I remember some long forgotten details. It's just nice to be in contact with...
See what the need to make is one with a bunch of swimsuit models on it, us guys would NEVER find anything lol
May be better performance, but no where near the same price. A AMD FX-8150 Zambezi 3.6GHz Socket AM3+ Eight core is $269.99 Where as say the...
Hmm not a bad idea, I didn't know about the email thing, but when its a simple name thats very common, and no location, it makes sorting by name...
I want that as a huge painting on my wall lol always loved that picture
paradox6996 you suck lmao. And on a related note we play this in my office every Friday before we leave, yes this is what we do now in the Air...
It was an old friend from my childhood, we grew up together for a number of years then we both moved, then I joined the AF. So I got around ;)
I figured that would work, but isn't said game collection ( gamers for windows ) kinda of small compared to the xbox collection?
So I was re-reading over the article where a bunch of gamers broke the coding on HIV. Pretty much doing in a short time what science hasn't been...
Hey maybe I want to run around said theme park screaming like a little girl lol
While this is pretty much explained there are a lot of things out there even more odd then this that make you question weather or not we are...
Lol I should have knownm you XoObies are on top of everything :p
Yeah I was reading some news on Windows 8 and they said that one of the perks they wanted to integrate in to the OS was its cross compatibility...
My Cobalt came standard with a Bose stereo system, its freaking ridiculous! I went to go work out this morning and turned on my car to warm up and...
I haven't seen anything on this in the upcoming games as of yet, but if it's a repost I'll fix it. Also sorry I can't get any good links until...
So I have been browsing around the net and been looking for stuff on the new xbox. This is a good site I found:...
I retract my previous question lol. Lots of bored hours on google at worked solved said issue :) And no Sokar its not Ben Hayes, that would be me :p