It's not my fault :(
Otaku's are 1 step closer to their waifu's
Dammit, was hopping for earlier but oh well. Now to decide what class to play...
Is dragon nest split between east and west like vindictus? And are the instances hosted by the Nexon server or by the client side?
oh nice July... Thanks for the updates!
lol of course NGE + haruhi + lucky star are front and center...
GET THE CARPETS OUT AND WELCOME BACK HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN!!!@#&@$^&$^ but yea it seems so forced now... isn't she doing it just for the cash or...
So i just put together a new system. I7 2600k, MSI P67a-GD65, and the hyper 212+ with a CM690II. OC'ed the thing to 4.5ghz, with cpu-z voltage...
Aion (NA) ApplicationHow old are you? 24 In-Game Name? Anaru Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic? Yes What is your primary class? Gladiator What...
You can still flash it I believe... it's just more difficult to reset to default in case you mess up. Just have a motherboard that has an onboard...
oh god... i'm cringing by 30s... in fetal position atm
not exactly new but we do have a contender, poor girl deleted her videos once she had too many thumb downs 82VtBxeJH3I
Compared to that... monster cables seem like low quality junk... Looks like Miku is coming to AMERIKKA, live concert on July 2nd in LA oh and don't forget the Miku Toyota commercial... A guide for Asus boards, long read.
That hyper is doing pretty good at 1.35v... I think you got one of the 10% chips =p
that's pretty awesome... wonder how much they are... i'm guessing quite a few maid cafe's will be getting some of these.
I see... awesome thanks!
Crossing my fingers for a 10% chip =P, Erock what's your friend using to cool that thing?
That would be awesome, could you check with him what voltage and what cooler he's using? Thanks! Yea... what was the rule of thumb? 50% reach 4.5...