i'd still like to see where your coming from with the previous statement... as far as closing the thread i don't feel like it's been over the...
i'm trying to understand what your saying here and i'm not quite understanding. are you saying that americans that defend ourselves from the...
they already have apologized
i call bullshit on his "kitten"
and therein lies your issue...cuz it's not true...that's like saying that all Iraqi's are terrorists, or all hispanics living in america are...
isn't the stereotyping that the canadians are doing here about americans just as bad as what that show did? kinda hypocritical if you ask me.
there's a few things that i've read in this thread that i agree with and some that i disagree with. 1. while I disagree with what the...
hahahahahahahahahaha....i totally had a teacher do that exact same thing my freshman year of highschool to some dumbass that would never shutup...
i'll give it a shot
Swimming is the best for overall workout. uses the whole body. And is actually easier on joints for most people. But for getting from point a...
I've only been watching the swimming...I was a swimmer in high school and almost swam in college for Penn state. So that's all i care about....
did i hear somebody say dash was tweaking? dash is a tweaker, dash is a tweaker, dash is a tweaker.....TWEAKER!!!!!!!