RIFT ApplicationHow old are you? 34 In-Game Name? Steck Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic? Yes What is your primary archetype? Cleric Why did...
I played this for a few years until it went ftp. The pvp is a cruel joke where there is no incentive other than a rank/bragging rights for...
I use the wired version of this headset and absolutely love it! It's he most comfortable headset I've ever owned. They even sent me an upgraded...
Much appreciated!! I look forward to playing the rift betas and of course SWTOR with XoO.
Cool! I will probably be on teamspeak playing rift beta all week if you wan to chat etc...
Star Wars:TOR ApplicationHow old are you? 34 In-Game Name? Steck Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic? Yes What is your primary class? (Galactic...
Will do! And I must apologize for my lack of activity. I've been extremely busy with work this past month.
Hello Doc. Do I need to make a new application to TOR specifically as I was interviewed by viciousds and accepted into XoO under other games?...
Ahh...ok I found the other games usergroup and applied.
Other Games ApplicationHow old are you? 33 In-Game Name? Steck Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic? Yes Previous Gaming Experience: Hardcore...