its the long awaited EAD tutorial
i applied at the tor sight. username bodinebanned <3
wee starwars
im not sure if i'll play a bounty hunter. i wanted to see what you guys have going on for tor, who is playing etc. i preordered the game right...
Star Wars:TOR ApplicationHow old are you? 30 In-Game Name? banned or bodine Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic? Yes What is your primary class?...
Avast is pretty good but the interface is garbage D; am i playing a cd or what? personally i use nothing ;o but i wouldn't recommend that to the...
blasphemy! that was the best (9hrs; 5 mins; 47 secs) of cut scenes in gaming!
I have a job thanks ;d
Hey binary! Good to see you again. ;D
Thanks man thats perfect. I know AGP is dieing etc but frankly I cant afford to build a new PC which is what I would have to do. I have kind...
I'm so bad ;d Shame on me for not doing my research. Anyone have a suggestion for a good mid range AGP Videocard? My 6800 ultra took a dump and...