I shall, having some issues with the download of the client but think I found some nice UTorrent work arounds for that. Ive only got the main file...
Can someone make me a really kick ass 1920x1200 XoO wallpaper. Me love you long time if you do :p
He I dont remember even applying for the beta but it be awesome I assure you :p
So just figured I would let you guys know but I got in to the Final Fantasy 14 beta, I'm currently downloading updates and what not now so I will...
I already have Foxy just told me to hop on teamspeak for an interview, but thats all I got :p NVM strike that I just learned to read properly lol
Need to get online for an interview but what is the teamspeak info?
Thank you Foxy. THAT IS ALL! :p
Lol I really dont know how i managed to post this in the wrong section but oh well, it happens, and glad to be here. And Im sure you have seen me...
We've only been waiting on this game for how long now?
If they make anything the need to make an elders scrolls game online that would be much better in my eyes :p
1. Age (18+ Requirement): 20 soon to be 21 2. In-Game Name: LotusX 3. Current Class: Assassin 4. Level (Suggested Req. of 45): 50 5....