I can be of service. Tell me what you want written in it and pick out a font: http://www.dafont.com/ Pick out 3-4 colors for the color...
I'm totally down with this! Is this all in anticipation for CSGO? http://counterstrikego.com/
Actually, it's nothing like dota at all imo. Similar style of graphics, but the gameplay is way more physically engaging. Read this:...
dude, this game is so freakin' A-W-E-S-O-M-E awesome! Is there not more of us here playing? [edit] imho, it's way better than hon and lol...let...
Well after playing it for a few hours, I must say the gameplay is pretty hawt! More specifically the tps style of ranged attacks (aka non-heat...
Just got an email to join their CB today. Anybody else get it? http://www.bloodlinechampions.com/ [edit] In-game Name: illian
Indeed, most especially during times of pregnancy which is when a female is most vulnerable to predators. It makes sense that males would...
Science of Sex Appeal on the Discovery channel and some dating material I've read in the past. heh Neither, but I guess if I were to re-phrase...
"How they help the race evolve is what a man's ultimate existence is eventually rated." Actually, I have to disagree with that one since I...
Wow! Grats! How does it feel to be a Dad now?
lol, maybe i'll make her into one of the strippers in gtaIV...for your enjoyment! lmao Or if you'd prefer, a male version? lol
I live to be criticized on my work! And yeah, it's a bit stretched since the actual skeleton for kayle is disproportionate to a 'normal' female...
I'll be sculpting that in as that falls into the realm of 'fine details'... that's just the sculpting mesh. =]
http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=155064 for you animators
Alright, by what seems to be the popular demand, this goes out to all of you horny bastards and lesbian seagulls...reverse cleavage and more boob...
I was actually thinking of doing the reverse cleaveage but she doesn't have enough boob for it...hmmm?
This is being continued on over from a game I started 2 years ago in another forum: http://www.animecrave.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=5380...
well, my computer kinda shit the bed for a few days!!. For some reason my memory was over heating...yeah and I don't even have it overclocked...
That's crazy awesome! I'd like to see what you've got done thus far... I think one of the hardest parts that I can imagine right now is correctly...
They're scattered around, but i'm going through renticletape since he seems to be the only dude that has created an importer/exporter for maya,...