Made a Sorc in Argenta. IGN hegi
My vote goes to Argenta. Also, here's the Open Beta Client DL.
US release is supposedly October 8, though that may actually be a theatrical release. Don't quote me on that though, I don't quite remember where...
REDLINE j9fhQVMzlC0 xmbW6WXLeW4 xWfwc7Uf9MU F-Zero meets Gurren Lagann. Holy shit. Cannot get a western release soon enough. (October) REDLINE
I watch Dead Fantasy for the plot. In case you needed something else to dump a few hours into. Fun little flash game where you...
That's not funny, my uncle died that way.
I saw both, one right after the other. Scott Pilgrim is one of those "watch once, enjoy thoroughly" movies, whereas The Expendables was... boring....
I own an Ohto Promecha drafting pencil. I carry it nearly everywhere I go in my pocket and have had it for five years. The thing is damn amazing....
I enjoyed the first Bioshock, haven't gotten around to playing the second one yet. But the new one looks very promising as well. Newly released...
GAH. Stupid Parasite Eve 3 was announced on PSP and now this. It's like they know, man. They know. Grrr If you've ever played a "card game" where you're secretly assigned role of villager or mafia, this game will be...
After being an avid follower of the Metroid Prime series and loving the hell out of the 2D Metroids, Other M initially put me off as it did many...
I don't know too much about it, but I hear the Twilight series is "pretty good". :rolleyes: But seriously, you should get your hands on some...
Haha, thanks Doc
NASA is serious business. Hv6RbEOlqRo
Yeah the Cyborg R.A.T. looks pretty sick. Lots of reviews claiming it to be the best mouse ever created. I however will stick to my Razer Mamba...
Here's what I got for you, I hope it works: I basically did exactly what you requested....
I'm going to be honest, I only watched the movies for Emma Watson. And I'm pretty sure I'm not alone here.