Challange accepted.nothing harder?,,dragon force perhaps?
I can play the skin flute, idea's here peeps.I am a versitile guitar player so first I guess decide what kinda vibe and messege you want...
True Blood is an awsome show.the girly vamp thing kinda go's out the window watching it..great story behind it.
great Vid man.
DNR by testement try to keep up :)
Originally Posted by GunGraver The day I see one of these in real life, is the day I shit a huge brick. Hey man,i'm a mason looking for...
well to be honost this part of the forums did say Creative writing,graphics,movies ect.Post your custom art and writing to entertain your fellow...
No,they are the guitar riffs from Metallica's (battary) and Ozzy osbourne's (Bark at the moon)
You got me Shaman,,who told you?,lol
YyWFu8yQRBg s71icZ4D7wg
your app looks great.please comment back with a time you can be available for an interview.
The fact that you are unwilling to fill out a simple app tells me that maybe we our not the legion for you.
look forward to interviewing you.we will set u up with an interview very shortly [IMG]
I have another one in the make with the new 2.0 content.gonna really take it to the extreme and test my editing ability's on the next one and make...
wow,,looked like an amazing time.Maybe next time I can give u guys 50 bucks and a hot pocket to take me with.
TeamSpeak interview went well. ACCEPTED Welcome to XoO!!! Please take a few minutes and check out the following links: Introduce...
fk yea,,Alice cooper-we're not worthy,we're not worthy
Namja could not agree to the code of conduct and therfore left the legion becouse of such.No hard feelings where taken and wish him luck.