I did not expect that you guys would want to reinterview current xoo members but yeah I can interview. To tell you the truth I thought we would...
Also, I have signed up on the SWTOR website so I can get invited for Beta Testing. I hope we will have this guild division ready to some degree...
Star Wars:TOR ApplicationHow old are you? 23 In-Game Name? Nanotek Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic? Yes What is your primary class? (Sith...
PS, people on here that really want to cut down on their carbon footprint/ fosil fuels should really consider getting an electric car. It costs...
bumb-forgot to set up notification
JESUS, any word on the drum set. Im a drummer.
Anybody who wants to know the current best hardware for your money should go to www.tomshardware.com That site stays up to date with reviews and...
Fraklo you and my marauder need to group up more. Keep in contact.
An officer will get to you shortly to see your application through. See you in game : ).
Ok, I got invited to the guild. I just need to be promoted so i can speak in guildchat. Ill be online on friday/saturday to main heal for LV TOVL...
I am an existing XOO member from the AION NA division. I plan on going to check back into WAR after a long while, seeing as how mythic has made...
Problems updating I am currently having problems updating my ts3 client. Seems that their download page online is down and their automatic update...
1. Age (18+ Requirement): 22 2. In-Game Name: Nanotek 3. Current Class: Ranger: url.. http://na.aiononline.com/characters/Zikel/Nanotek 4....