Hey folks we had a fun little session tonight on Team Speak which focused on the sharing and the reading of short stories created by our members....
Well you already know I'm going to be playing. But these days I go by Temper Hoof, not my old OrleanKnight handle.So You'll see me as TemperHoof...
Considering Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn is a totaly new MMO, it should be on this list. yeah that's right people, it's not a patch, it's a...
Yeah, and that's not exactly easy either. You really have to find someone willing to give it up now, which is almost impossible now that it's been...
Woot, people with Legacy Accounts get in Beta Phase 1. Yay!
I'll only say godlike if I they nail the Summoner class. We'll see in Beta. Right now I'm expecting an extensive Japanese Closed Beta before we...
So far I'm very pleased with the Alpha. I can't give specifics, but the game has come a long way and I feel all of the changes have turned FFXIV...
Oh joy. I have acquired a Legacy Account. It is now mine, my own, my precious.
Well SquareEnix support pretty much says I'm SOL too. They did say I don't have to buy FFXIV ARR when it's Released (like I care?). So I really...
I have the receipt, but it's from Gamestop and it's from TWO YEARS AGO. Yeah, that's not gunna happen. :D
Well there should be some legit way to get compensation for my copy of the game. It's bit a unfair that even though I dished out money for it I...
I tried that. They disabled Character Creation until ARR. I own the game, have the receipt and everything -- I purchased it two years ago! I just...
Well I own FF XIV already, so I won't have to buy FF XIV ARR. Right now I just would like an account with a character on it, Legacy or not.
Currently I'm looking for a ex-player's game account, ideally with Legacy Status. Willing to trade and pay a lot. :D
I'm questing around for the impossible really, someone with a Final Fantasy XIV account. Now oddly enough, I actually own the game. I've spent the...
[UPDATE] This just in, Beta-Event has been confirmed to begin in Late-March. Source: MMORPG.COM Also, Confirmed on Twitter by @GuildWars2:...
Hmmm, well I'm interested in GW2, but not on a Ranked level. I'd really want to take part in the WvWvW, and I'm under the impression a lot of XoO...
Guild Wars 2 ApplicationHow old are you? 29 In-Game Name? Temper Wolf Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic? Yes What is your prefered playstyle?...
According to feedback from the movie's debut in Tokyo, my Plot Outline listed in this thread is pretty much right on the money.
Currently we are looking for a new recruitment officer. ^^