Lol yea i could come on my pally as dps since tid switched if they wanted, and my rogue does dps worthy of raiding with them but other than that i...
Hey so i msged Olo on here but it doesnt look like he plays anymore. Can you find out who i need to talk to or if they need anything in the raid...
Well I am going to renew my account this week, I am hoping i can snag a spot raiding on one of the 6 toons i have
Hey Sexy miss me yet? I might come back!
Well i can say this man is good at his shit, hes fun o raid with, and i think you would be worth a trial, tho seems i say that about everyone whos...
Hey, been raiding a lot with Trhal, Always good dps, can't ever seem to beat him on my paladin. He knows what hes doing and has experience in ICC....
Ok so i am definatly going to tell you now, you most likely will not find a better replacement paladin tank than Pala. I've been raiding with him... Honestly i am looking for a main spot, so if there is no room for me that...
Kié 80 Belf Priest 1. Character Info: Name, Class, Main Spec (Link armory): Kié-Holy Priest 2. Explaine your talent selection...