haha thanks man
I like this guy. I wish I were reliable. =(
I win.
Last time I seen this guy in a raid he was a jackass and wasn't good. Not sure about now, but that was about a month ago.
Probably the best tank spec out there is on my DK right now. Dragpo @ Sargeras. It gets the Frost cooldown, the DR, the extra threat from IT etc...
Well why are you spec'd 2/3 into your Improved Insect Swarm if you do not bother to keep it up. Keeping Insect Swarm up is a priority over...
I'm not sure why you pick up Owlkin Frenzy. You shouldn't ever be directly attacked. I suggest you finish off your Improved Insect Swarm, drop...
Good to hear you're willing to improve. Also sorry, I was tired last night when I posted. It was the heroic lootship 10-man boots. 83 ArP and...
I raided with you earlier this evening. You passed on pants that were a clear upgrade (You should used 4-set minus legs regardless, and the ArP...
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe we currently have 3 rogues who are raiding right now, and we already make Trhal and Tenduce /roll for raid...
I gem similarly to Peers to be honest. Defense still adds Miss / Parry / Dodge even after defense cap, and parry / dodge reflect through your...
I say we keep him. Another resto druid for 10-mans, he's generally always on for raiding, and performs very well. He's probably a better DPSer...
I'd have to agree. You probably are better off being somewhere you will actually raid. I love you Zale.
You're sexy.
Rolloneup is one of the few people in exile who regularly beats me in damage on my DK. He's also a lovely man.
Great DPS, Good at mechanics. He is mexican though, so that may pose a problem... :P I don't know anything about rogues gear and stat wise, but...
I'll vouch that Pala does an excellent job tanking. I've never had a problem with healing him, I've never had him miss a taunt, and he has a great...
Maybe not retard, but Special Ed for sure. haha Yeah, it is pretty bad ass. :P I've been to 25-Put on my DK, but we only did 3 attempts...
Edit to remove my DK, since you won't be needing him for sure. 1. Character Name, Class, and Main Spec: Fluffytoy, Druid, Restoration 2. Armory...