Hellsing OVA- Vampires vs Nazi's vs Vatican, Higurashi no naku Koro ni - No matter the dimension you can guarantee, a crazy anime girl is going...
Hmm ill do some digging and find a torrent, ive been meaning to read those
Just Keep Tali, Garrus, Jack, Morodin and Legion in ME3 and im happy Wrex would be nice but not likely due to him being busy, might show up in...
Not sure on which youve seen so ill pop a few sugestions or short series. Higurashi no naku koro ni - Little Dark But well worth a watch...
we can hope ME3 brings everything full circle, Im pictureing a massive war with the forces depending on choices youve made. Ie Quarians - Did...
Plus you have to look at the otherside aswell, i can recall a few storys of Police arresting idiots or Verifying alibies with Social media sites,...
Finished Playing it on first playthrough, Much better combat then the first, No Crappy Veichle sections, And missions seemed more compact and...
Regarding that pic, I think its a Final Fantasy Fanart from the first CG movie, Spirits within/Away or something like that. Maybe post a few...
Use to have a similar link to this, Rick'rolled with the Lyrics coming up as message box's and song playing on loop
* Race: Asmodians * Server: Perento 1. Age (18+ Requirement):21 2. Name (Forum & IGN):Quoth on Forum, Nevermores IGN 3. Location +...