I for one like HoN much better. I have numerous friends that I play with that have tried both, and play HoN with now. It's personal preference,...
Is there any interest for a XoO faction? It just entered open beta a few days ago. For anyone that doesn't know, it is basically a DoTA mirror....
Wasn't paying too much attention but from what I saw when I was he performed quite well for his gear level.
I understand you would replace it with a 20 int gem, however since you're not getting a socket bonus from your pants anyway you could put a 20 int...
Gear looks pretty decent, I only see one issue with it and that is the Nightmare Tear in the pants. If you were to switch it to the helm you...
Solid tank, always had him tank my pugs far before he got a ginvite.
Yeah I understand my gear is lacking to dive RIGHT into the new ICC wing, and obviously some of ToGC 25 but it's getting fixed up fast. Just got...
Take me to ICC imo =p. Already running a 25 ToC pug. Reserving some stuff, it better drop.
Sorry, Winnie has my heart.
There are several different specs you can take depending on how much haste you have, and what spells you want to be healing with. With the GCD...
Forgot to mention a few things. First off I am applying because your raid times are earlier than BiS and their raid times were proving to...
1. Character Name, Class, and Main Spec: Fredsavage, Druid, Resto. 2. Armory Link: (explain talent choices here in needed):...