I also find the UI to be a tad dumber now, my teammates seem to die so much they will run out into the open when they have low health and its...
I just finished saving miranda's sister, I'm apparently only a few away from going through the omega 4 relay, when are you making these decisions...
I'm pretty sure I already lost Tali, alien biotch I dun wan nuna dat.
Is the sex scene with miranda staple to the story or do you have to make the right choices?
Darksiders - Xbox 360, PS3 Imagine all the best aspects of all your favorite games rolled up into one, that is what Darksiders is. I just...
Link is to a jersey shore spoof with Mario party characters. It is hilarious. http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3177676
I have been looking foward to this for the longest time but sadly I am starting school up again and won't have time to play it. I guess I will...
That was my problem with the game also, the game itself was good it was the social aspect that wasn't good. Anyway glad it's coming back the game...
Hellgate:london is apparently coming back to NA, under a new publisher with tons of new updates article here...
I own this for 360 if anyone wants to play sometime, gamertag is Flaex
Isis opening for tool was simply amazing, I know what you mean when they opened in NY everyone was sitting down disinterested. I thought they were...
Will try get the drum recordings to be a bit more livley next time we record thanks for the critique. I'm intrested in knowing what you think...
It's cool bro, the 1st bit is quite lacking the 2nd takes it up a notch and then the 3rd is where the magic is :P, we use an 8track recorder and...
So this is my band I'm about to link here its post-rock so there are no vocals, draws alot of inspiration from ISIS, red sparrows, and some other...
I'm suprised Cowboy Bebop isn't on that list. IMO its the greatest of all time.
Bleach used to be amazing, as of late it has taken a turn for the worse. The sekihaitou story arc is one of the best anime arcs I have seen, imo...
New Members: Q. How old are you? A. 19 __ Q. What gaming experience do you have? A. I have played WoW, EVE, Champions Online & CoX,...