Does this app have anything at all to do with me? lol
Yes lime we have been through this. I had alot going on in my life at the time I thought I was going to quit the game, I gave my account to my...
Biel also has some big ass titties. But I would have to go with Alba over all.
Ok for some reason when Ken tries to post it doesn't show up he said so he IMed me what he wanted to say and I will post it here for now. He...
... I think the last 6 post had nothing to do with me or my lock lol just about people I know. Am I missing something? Or do I need to answer more...
Well a few of the guild I was a part of broke up hence me finding a new guild. And when I left Xen I was still quite new at the game and I thought...
Wow it took you damn near 3 and a Half hours to bring that up. lol
When I started to play this game Toc was the "IT" Raid. So i did ToC and now I am doing ICC I never did the old school stuff is what im saying...
1. Character Info: Name, Class, Main Spec (Link armory): Gorzz, Warlock, Demo...
1. Character Name, Class, and Main Spec: Gorzz, Warlock, Demo 2. Armory Link (and talent choices explained):...
Well kinky left invalid and joined this guild she gave me an inv and asked me to raid with her until I find a new guild. The first time I was in...
First off we said 1 random since kens a hunter ppl thought DC not my fault a hunter cant reserve ROTD lol.. And I got my puppy can I get loot now lol
1. Character Name, Class, and Main Spec: Gorzz, Warlock, Demo but I can play any spec needed. 2. Armory Link: (explain talent choices here in...
I am 20 badges away from the triumph shoulders I should have it by this weekend.
I just re-gemed and i will post more dps meters as soon as i do my next raid
Oh and about my shoulder Chant I'm working on that too when i faction changed it started me over on gaining their rep and I had a ticket...
I was lvling enchanting and i put the haste on my cloak I enchant my stuff over and over to lvl it lol I guess you can say im kinda lazy and I was...
Yes I know about my head enchant. Im working on the rep now and I use a haste gem for my pants socket bonus 1 because it haste boost my casting...
1. Gorzz, Warlock, Destro 2. Armory Link: (explain talent choices here in needed):...