RIFT ApplicationHow old are you? 27 In-Game Name? Aiyoku Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic? Yes What is your primary archetype? Cleric Why did...
All I can do is shake my head and laugh.
Thanks for the ideas ^-^.
This makes me think of the joke about trying to google or bing the phrase "facebook causes" and seeing all the bad things that pop up. Learn...
Anyone have any other recommendations of new anime to watch? Recently have watched Trinity Blood, Shiki, Monster, Gungrave, Strain, Virus,...
:( Wonder if that's what the Zodiac Killer did at first. hmmm hopefully as far as the cat goes i would've hoped they would at least attempt...
Hehe :P
My main name From Lineage II was FrozenStrawberry which I actually have tattooed on me Due to the fact that alot of games only allow so many...
Hiyas :)
In general... how many things translate to movie...series, visual from a comic, book or manga that isn't altered and stretched in anyway ? (or to...
Bleach can become addictive even with the filler :)
1999 to 2000 I was more concerned about PC problems because I doubted the world was gonna end >_> 'sides if the world ends I doubt anyones...
-tunes into coast to coast am- O.o; Lol.. will be funny if its a repeat of 1999 > 2000 think i was more concerned about my pc than the world...
LoL made me think of zoolander "ridiculously good looking" Gotta love sterotypes.
LMAO! :P I doubt many women have to check P.M.S ;P (it strikes fear in others so she knows it's there) On another note Wooooot I have the entire...
Too Funny too bad There werent ninjas instead of cops Oh wait.... they'd probably beat me up for that comment x.x
I saw the trailer to this on youtube... Went in blockbuster and couldn't resist I asked the chick that was behind the counter "Hey you hear about...
Lol that is so cute and funny
1. Age (18+ Requirement):25 will be 26 tomorrow. 2. Name (Forum & IGN):Babydoll. 3. Class:Chanter/ Heal class. 4. Do you have vent...