My very first MMO character was an assassin in Ragnarok Online named Moonlight. Since then I haven't use the name at all in any MMOs but in Aion...
I think this video is more amusing or at least disturbing.
Sorry if this has already been posted. At PAX they showed off a trailer of Coruscant.
Looks pretty good. I'd like to see more shading or color in your art though. Did you make those bags you have pictures of? I have a Deviant Art...
Although I'm a Tim Burton fan, I'm not going to go see it. I heard it's mediocre and that Tim Burton had little to do with the movie at all since...
Sorry for not being very specific but from my experience the following are both really good companies when it comes to both quality and...
I wonder if their product's name is referring to the "evil" computer (HAL 9000) from the Space Odyssey novels/movies. I wouldn't be surprised if...
It's Strange Brew. I saw that movie as a kid and thought it was really weird. It's about two idiot brothers who get a job at a brewery for free...
I'm not concerned about the buy-out. Disney owns most of ABC and ESPN and both obviously have shows directed towards adults. Although not...
The music from these guys is really good. They make mostly commercial music for pretty much every high budget movie company. All their music is...
As an avid moviegoer and sci-fi fan, I thought the movie was great but nothing new and ground breaking like some critics claim. The film's style...
Building a computer with buying parts from factory outlet websites in my opinion is the most efficient way to do it. For around $1700 you could...
In case my message was missed, I logged during the interview to fix the problem with my mic. It was working fine during the closed beta which...
Hello, I'm 23 years old and I'm going to be playing as a templar. The name of my character will be determined once Aion goes live in NA. I...