get on piratebay or isohunt few days after release and download it.
Why can't I view the game section anymore...
Anyone seen this movie yet? I'm thinking of going to see it with my dad today, just wondered if it was actually worth going to see.
I seen it today as well, absolutely hilarious. I'm gonna start wearing my seatbelt all the time now.
Seeing as there is only 2 sides to choose from, and you can't kill the same faction you're on.. this song fits very well....
Wait till he wakes up in the morning... "F*CK!!!!!! ",,20301856,00.html tell me he had nothing wrong with him; you're pretty twisted to say otherwise.
They probably got her more phones to text on so they can try to get more money..
Friend of mine is a DJ and made this in tribute to DJ AM; I thought it was pretty good. Like most recent celebs; he was found dead with a belly...
He's not into the whole cleavage showing... remember?
Apparently you can "rent" a suit for 70,000 yen.. which comes out to be about $2200 a month (I think) ----...
Was looking through the AionSource forums and found a thread full of japanese, I wanted to see what they were saying so I looked for a translator...
Wow.. check this out The company developing the limbs is called "Cyberdyne", if I'm not mistaken, that's the corporation that created Skynet in...
Here in the U.S., suits that give wearers super strength are locked up in military-funded labs. In Japan, however, researchers and entrepreneurs...
Can't believe WOTLK has been out a year almost already; doesn't seem that long, WoW is gonna be the next EQ expansion wise o.O give it 2-3 years...
I've heard good and bad reviews for this movie; the previews looked good but they always do most the time :P
1. Age (18+ Requirement): 19 2. Name (Forum & IGN): Saverian/Saverian 3. Class: "Soon To Be" Cleric 4. Do you have vent and a mic?:...