Defintley getting this game.
Stating to really like that escape song now!!!
Really like both of them, that escape song is very good and is my favorite ;)
yehh 200th post
Im gonna have to be on the spot in terms of the start time for Pre-selction if i dont i have a feeling my name will be taken as it is to do with...
Simple for me picked Azphel because he is an Empyrean Lord of Shadow in Aion and i think it would be good to have my forum, ign as him in Aion and...
Just wondering if anyone has got some Render packs that they could share with me, not really bothered what they are to do with, aslong as they are...
Yeh i played Section 8 and i felt like it was a bit of a letdown, sameold, sameold i suppose.
Yeh Conan had some memorable music :D:D:D
Yeh where ready to smash some Elyos face in to the ground.
One month, i reckon more than that, at least a few more months.
Even though this isnt Movie music its game music i had to put up some of the Warhammer Dawn of War 2 music, its so good. <object width="425"...
Yeh i used to play Rome Total War i agree some great music there loved it and yes of course Lotr has some brilliant Epic Music going on love the...
Cant wait to see your faves later :D Just thought i would put up Lacrimosa by Immediate Music i like it so much(used in spiderman 3 trailer)....
Yeh i have heard of them and some of thier music, somemore well known Epic movie music creators are Immediate Music, like the company you showed...
Yeh that is a pretty good movie song.
lol, how stupid :D:D:D
] True :D:D:D
Epic Movie Music: Just thought i would make a thread, with some Youtube video's, that show some great Epic Movie Music, from some good composer's....