We shouldn't relay so much on higher up for ap while they are going other places for xp the lower should be hitting 25 so we shouldn't have a lack...
Top on server very nice I wish I could have contributed more but the 15k ap I had helped before I rerolled
*tear I thought u were mine
I noticed that Krazy, paradize and I do a shit load of post during work hours and no post when we get home. I guess u guys do it to kill time also
Lol such a noble kill hit and run
that's true 7 ap per mob or 30-80 ap per person
I feel you man I enjoy pvp a lot but you really can't help it we need to grind for ap and that seems to be the only way until we can do forts then...
The advantage we have are our numbers and that we are spread out in lvls as ppl leave the abyss other ppl hit 25 so we have a consistant flow...
The problem with ap is as soon as ppl start out lvling the abyss our ap will slow down. Here is the delima do u grind ap to keep guild rank up or...