LMAO wow that gave me a good laugh :) That's pretty awesome though, I'd like to get my hands on one of those suits. I wouldn't be surprised if...
Why doesn't XoO have a TF2 division..?
I use planetrenders.net there's some good quality renders there, also on the forums there's plenty of tuts for gimp/ps and you can always post...
Oh, I guess mine was illegal.. Mah bad XD
lmfao wow... the sharks were great :D
1.DL Photoshop trial. <cut>
/jizz in my pants http://pc.ign.com/dor/objects/816935/bioware-mmo-project/videos/gcom09_oldrepublic_spc1_082109.html Make sure to watch all 4...
Forgot to post my opinions.. Tbh I went in expecting to be let down by the hype.. but I have to say it's one of the best movies I have ever seen....
Now that's what I wanted to hear, going to see it today actually :D
Holy shit. Bird got pwnt.
I'm August btw. Been playing with Ninja for awhile in C-Aion, he's a good guy.
oops XD
d6PDlMggROA Who's seeing it this weekend? All the critics that have seen previews are giving it really good reviews, A+ and 100% from different...
That book was great XD I'll probably see that, looks interesting.
Looks good but the gun sounds kinda weak imo