I was so very close to convincing myself to upgrade my Avenger to the Sabre. However, I enjoy the struggles of early game and that fight to...
BATTLETECH - Tactical 'Mech Combat Returns to the PC. Harebrained Schemes is pleased to announce their return to Kickstarter this Fall to partner...
Was browsing either /r/elitedangerous or /r/starcitizen today and came across this possible gem: Angels Fall First is a first person...
Elite: Dangerous is 40% off on Steam and "Frontier" (other gaming website I assume), for a total of about $26. Not sure if I should or not, I...
Hell yea! Nothing like beating the odds. Congratulations Lanfear. :)
After basic research I chose Private Internet Access. If anyone has further suggestions for general VPN info, feel free. Thanks.
Finally received our (wife and I) computer setup in South Korea from the states and I'm looking for a solid VPN for the both of us. Other than...
Anyone playing 11.2? Me and my wife play the shit out of this game when we get a chance.
That's definitely the truth. Unfortunately for me I have an itch I can't seem to scratch. :<
Anyone messing around with this? Seems fun, looking for others for a mostly PvE experience.
How old are you?: 26 RSI Forum Name?: Ikalis Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic?*: Yes Why did you choose XoO & where did you hear about us?: Been...
Great information. I really appreciate the advice. I'm sure others will also benefit from the information at some point especially with the grey...
I was looking at the downgrade of the Acer you linked which was $430. Talked to the wife and she agreed that it'd be better in the long run to get...
Been searching around for a projector at or below $700 to enjoy my Steam collection of games on and to stream movies/series. I was wondering if...
I have a Westinghouse 42inch, that has the capability to display at 110hz, that I use as my PC display. I also have a Radeon 7800, not sure of the...
Just applied to the XIV group. Any preference as to which server we are playing on for the rest of Phase 3? My wife and I made some characters on...
Downloading the game now. If anyone wants to group up or whatnot, send me a PM in-game letting me know you're from XoO. I'm wanting to craft...
We just had a Change of Command ceremony earlier this week at company level (Army) and I thought it was pretty awesome the new commander mentioned...
Thinking about buying this. We have any decent sized amount of participants? Would greatly influence my purchasing decision.
Phase 2 starts this weekend, supposedly. Do we have a server that people who are in beta are playing on? Perhaps a roster? Trying to keep the NDA...