I may try this. Has anyone asked if this is a bannable offense in any of these situations? Or should I go ahead and make a thread in one of the...
I may hop into this. I've heard a bit about BC2, and well, lately I've been playing the first. It's been awhile since I could do anything with...
I'm tempted to do this...I am going to get this game ASAP. This thing looks freaking badass. Probably going to take some time off work myself ;)...
Yeah when I read that I was like "Um....no...maybe some other day. LIke once I know it's not like Darkfall."
Well, the main difference that you'll notice, is that the MO developers are being honest about WHY they're charging for the preorder. I'll just...
Eh, at this point it is pretty much to that point. AV ruined the game they created, they need a REAL marketing team. This just scream loads of fail.
I'm glad I quit playing this game...kinda mad that I spent so much time trying to get the stupid thing, to get a game that wasn't complete and was...
Okay, Windows 7 is still in beta, give it time, they still have fixes to make/not everything is released yet. Secondly, big difference between 32...
Anyone get an invite? Hehe changed that ;)
Well I got accepted :)
Windows XP has Windows NT actually built into it. There is a way to acces it, but I cannot remember how. I do know for a fact that it's there...
Yeah we would have a bunch of angry letters telling us we all need to apologize because that's very rude!
Just found some information about the magic system. Here you guys go. Magic The majority of spells that deals with real-time PvP have been...
I got the second promo code to work, but the first wont be accepted. It's sticking at $89.99, any idea why?
I doubt that it's much worse thant 10,000 BC that movie just sucked total ass.
Right, but my answer was simply to those saying it could possibly be an April Fools Joke.
Not surprised or amazed, I work in a grocery store call center....My god the things we get sometimes...just...jesus...
Look at what I found in the forums. Some information on the chat system of Mortal Online. -There will be no global chat or channel. -There...
Had an officail thing sent through work about it, don't think it's an April fools joke.
Damn, that is pretty neat would be nice to see how things turn out. Makes you wonder about 2012 right?