I'M SOLD!!!!
When I watched it was Christopher Eccleston once he was gone I stop watching.....
RIFT ApplicationHow old are you? 30 In-Game Name? VegetaVarnay Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic? Yes What is your primary archetype? Rogue...
Yes this is my RL friend/Mentor for many years.
I hear ya I really didn't have any of the lag issues you guys had at all and the controls really aren't that hard to get down. but it is what it is
LOL guess I'll play alone :(
LOL Vic it's just my opinion man if you don't want to pay for it that's cool but I think it's well worth it :P
Controls: for the love of god this take some getting use to and I LIKE IT!!! It’s not your normal cookie cutter MMO. There are FPS aspects to it...