Not currently playing but could possibly play casually if more of us are needed :)
Hey all, Just thought I'd drop a line, some RL friends of mine have put together a Kickstarter for a Supplement to the Savage Worlds RPG system....
yeah bro that's super scary lol, I really hope it's not a scam too
@DARKTIDE!! yeah you can't buy your kingship, however.... as soon as live hits in CoE, I really REALLY REALLY doubt that they'll keep their...
@arcanmene yeah I hear ya, i'm still on the CoE train of course, but this one looks like a competitor, at least to me. I'll be keeping my eye on...
add me on steam bros Naboo448 The Darth Yoda avatar
don't hate @DARKTIDE!! just because @Ezenkrul and I have similar tastes lol Bless will be pretty good, but I too am in the same boat, just wanting...
It's all good @DARKTIDE!! no issues here, we're all busy and with more and more of us "grown up" gamers still trying to hold on to our gaming...
Winner winner!
FYI I wasn't complaining about recruiting, just stating a fact. I have a passion for community not for recruiting folks. Being a father of 4, and...
Yeah I'm in their Discord too, not much though other than generalities reminds me of CoE's pre-pregame stuff. We're people are just there to hang...
is this out yet? I thought it was in heavy development still
is it bad of me to say that the english patch for the Russian version of Bless is 1000x better than the NA version of Revelation right now.....
@DARKTIDE!! discord is the future of online gaming, or services like it, embrace it or fall to the darkside.... hehe see what I did there
Agreed when the NA hits I'll do nothing more than 20-30$ depending how they release it, but I won't sink anymore than that in it for another time...
one day :P we'll see if it actually hits this year or not lol
I can totally understand that I would be just trying it for fun anyway
anyone still interested in Bless? I was contemplating trying the Russian version, its in open beta. There's an English patch someone has put...
Isn't that the same thing we want out of every new game @DARKTIDE!! ? Unfortunately I don't think we'll ever get a solid answer from these Indy...