Blizzard doesn't even make them, they just license them. 3Point makes them and clears the design with Blizzard so they can get the "Licensed by...
The drunk teacher should be fired, Taz. But I would hope that the Houston middle school's PTA would get together and request that the school...
That's BS Molotov. Vista is an entirely new kernel just like NT4.5 was a new kernel when Windows3 was running on DOS. Back then Microsoft spent...
If it's working locally to the router without the cable in the wall, it's obviously the cable in the wall. Most likely one or more pins on the...
Mind you, I haven't tried the expansion. But from all I've read about the Mines of Moria, there was nothing to advance PvM. The PvE is...
Used to lead the LOTRO division. Fantastic PvE play. The expansion offers more of that. Got my archer up to lvl 40 and realized that the...
I <3 you guys :D
Haha. Now I need to go out and find people with double-chins to punch in the face.
I could so see my kids doing that. I have to make sure they never see this video.
grats, PDog! Couldn't have happened to a nicer chap! Seal the deal and ship them out some of that new Pdog Pie.
OMG, I'm crying, that's so funny.
I didn't see the Blackguard as being that popular of a dark elf class anyway. Losing the Choppa kinda sux, though. I completely disagree...
Like...another planet? I think I HAVE bought lottery tickets with better odds than that!
forgot this one [IMG]
looks like this system does much more for discouraging spam than just the post count. Yay for the new system.
Woot! Looks like I have another game to play during WAR.