Guild Wars 2 ApplicationHow old are you? 23 What is your in-game account name? sorrowsend.1234 Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a working...
thanks sokar, i guess i worded it wrong, as i did put it at the age of battle royale 14-16 yr olds i shud have said teens over childern.
No Crazy IEDS? or Taliban? i heard in the news its gotten pretty violent, but then again its the news :/
just for the record i never intended this thread to span over 11 pages
mercsan did u go overseas? to iraq or afghanstan i'm curious to know what it will be like when i go over there since i dont doubt that fact i'll...
. . . how is it a fail to fight for my country and something that i believe in? i recongize not everyones gunna believe in what the U.S. is...
see that sounds better than calling me a fucking 13 yr cyber drama queen and yes i have learned from this experience not to take thse ppl...
and Cyber Drama? WTF i'm 18 yrs old i got enuf pressure in my life, i really am not trying to make "fucking Cyber Drama?" what gives u the right...
well thanks for calling me a 12-13 yr old o.O i'm 18 by the way. . . and like i've said before i know absolutely nothing about lawsuits, fraud,...
yeah agreed, i just want this over, i really think it's bullshit i mean im completely innocent god forbid they are serious i dont care i saved all...
so when i call blizzzard support who do i have to talk too, wont they not respond to anything i ask becasue i broke EULA
also no credit card or paypal yet but i will call, but why do i need 2? i took the money off the account months ago and transfered it to my bank.
hm yeah i really dont know nothing seems to make him want to back off i went into to live chat and ended up jsut flaming i could get no... Found this too would this construe as a contract?
Come to Live chat on the site you sold account to and they will tell you who I am. At this time playing your games is Done I will submit my forms...
Though how do they know it was reset to your email address ? Knowing would require them to be able to view details on an account they can't...
My question is why you keep mentioning that you will give them the account back. That seems to suggest you are in possession of the account, or...
n a side note I have to notify blizzard due to the fact there offices are closed on weekends
i can be intelligent when i wanna be umgala just cuz i'm a crazy stoner doesnt make me a complete idiot
thats sum straight crackhead shit right there u see apartments like those in ROC NY not as crazy bad as that one but like taht