Excuse me? Everywhere you go? I was hoping that was just my place...
<3 Demonic Pact! If you're comfortable and you enjoy the spec, I give you my thumbs up.
Go hard or go home. - Limegreen =DDD smileyface smileyface
Also, please realize we aren't here to teach you your own class. that's your job to find out how you should be itemizing, enchanting, and...
Good app, welcome to Xen
Also, RNG could have treated you well one time and not well the other time. You need to be researching facts with Rawr, EJ, or other forums/apps...
Well, typically, people will think that. Any "ramp" dps is frowned upon by most people, which is also the same reason Ret paladin's dont do near...
Great app, talked to this one in game. One question about your gear, Are you sure you need that meta gem? Every high end warlock I've seen...
Good app.. Gemming is correct, as is spec from previous warlock research :)
New orleans saints for super bowl champs 2010 C/D discuss =)
Identical to all other auto attack type classes - including all non dual wield melee (with the exception of a titans grip warrior).
hey I'm a palladin too. With 2 L's of course. I do not mean to badger your knowledge of a paladin in a healing perspective.. Your gemming is...
Another Darkganon.. No raid frames ><
Want to buy guild comedians?
yeah I'd guess so, need to find us a warrior for my spot, although my interest of making my paladin my main is running out.. I do think we should...
A toast to the guy that found that. haha very nice. But seriously, what inspired you to sit down and find random lego creations?