So PGI went to Epic exclusivity with Mechwarrior 5 for a year, also delayed until Dec. If you want a refund you have until Sept. 1st to make the...
Anybody picking this up I'll get it again if there are some folks going to play it on PC...
Not my kind of game but I snagged a key in case somebody wants to try it. PROMO-7A52-4194-BE87-1290924DA41D More here...
So I pretty much stopped playing their games when they split with Sony because I felt it wasn't going to end well. So if your still playing any of...
Just a heads up for folks from your friendly neighborhood insomniac. I didn't read the whole thing but it said you get the next driver up date in...
Prophecy Verse 1 Garden Progeny 1 (Scout Rifle) Kinetic Prophecy Verse 2 The Conqueror 2 (SMG) Kinetic Prophecy Verse 3 Jack, Queen King 3 (Hand...
If any of you have been on the fence or just didn't want to pay full price. :p Same sale on at...
Double xp when grouped with a clan member this weekend.
Found this video for Mods. It's for console or people using controllers so the recoil stuff is of less concern for mouse users. [MEDIA] Another...
So what's every bodies play times I was on most of day looking for some folks to do the nightfall and probably next week the raid (I don't have...
If you get stuck on a story mission, and by stuck I mean in terrain like a hole or something quit out of the game don't go back to orbit this will...
If you have a PS4 get this game, it's amazing. The best game I have played in a long time. And never mind the story I haven't even gone very far... No idea what it is.
May 26-30... I feel so sad for you all...