REDLINE j9fhQVMzlC0 xmbW6WXLeW4 xWfwc7Uf9MU F-Zero meets Gurren Lagann. Holy shit. Cannot get a western release soon enough. (October) REDLINE In case you needed something else to dump a few hours into. Fun little flash game where you...
I enjoyed the first Bioshock, haven't gotten around to playing the second one yet. But the new one looks very promising as well. Newly released... If you've ever played a "card game" where you're secretly assigned role of villager or mafia, this game will be...
After being an avid follower of the Metroid Prime series and loving the hell out of the 2D Metroids, Other M initially put me off as it did many...
1. Age (18+ Requirement): 20 2. In-Game Name: Hegiko (or h3gi) 3. Do you have TeamSpeak3 and a mic?: Yes and yes. 4. Previous gaming...