BATTLETECH - Tactical 'Mech Combat Returns to the PC. Harebrained Schemes is pleased to announce their return to Kickstarter this Fall to partner...
Was browsing either /r/elitedangerous or /r/starcitizen today and came across this possible gem: Angels Fall First is a first person...
Finally received our (wife and I) computer setup in South Korea from the states and I'm looking for a solid VPN for the both of us. Other than...
Anyone messing around with this? Seems fun, looking for others for a mostly PvE experience.
How old are you?: 26 RSI Forum Name?: Ikalis Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic?*: Yes Why did you choose XoO & where did you hear about us?: Been...
Been searching around for a projector at or below $700 to enjoy my Steam collection of games on and to stream movies/series. I was wondering if...
I have a Westinghouse 42inch, that has the capability to display at 110hz, that I use as my PC display. I also have a Radeon 7800, not sure of the...
Hey XoO, generally I can fix anything that gets fucked up with my computer, software or hardware. These video files are mostly used at cut-scenes...
After reading Kyu's "4870 = win" thread I rethought my imaginary computer that I want to build. I had at first picked out a GeForce 9800 GX2 (...