haha I dont know its just a steady monotone and it sticks in my brain
Hey, we will have the alt guild coming up, was good chatting with you will let you know the info when we are ready. Probably sunday. I will get...
I read your posts in your voice... creepy
scary how good that game still looks
yeah a handful of people playing on different servers, i think theres a few posts somewhere
@Clay click on the join us tab uptop and go to join usergroup and then join the BDO group when you can
Yeah will have to see who is interested again, still a bunch of disenfranchised people
Sending ts info
Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo its alive!
nope interesting tho
how do you say that name? juice? geist?
I think thats just the name of the server, I dont think Darkfall 2.0 ever made it, I see there is Darkfall new dawn tho
Sounds good, have fun!
BDO players, see here: https://www.xoohq.com/threads/official-guild-direction-post-feb-24-2017-alt-guild-explained.49034/
Make sure to make a DK for free stuff!
Intro, the guild intro on the videos
need more folks doing this stuff!
try doing the TS integration again it could be because he was manually bumped down
XoO alt guild is forming up, anyone semi active or super casual who was removed who wants to get in there let me know.
inactive let us know if you come back